November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Safety Tips for You and Your Floofin

Author: Celeste Glassman


Thanksgiving Safety For Floofins

As we start to wind down into the end of the year there is a lot to reflect on and be thankful for. For one, we can all be thankful for our floofins! After all, that’s why you’re reading The Scoop right? Thankful for their muddy paws and nose-printed windows. Thankful for the pet hair, sloppy kisses, and toy-smothered floor. But most of all, we’re thankful for their unconditional love and company that makes them our floofins. While we prepare to spend time with family and friends let’s keep in mind these Thanksgiving safety tips throughout the holiday season.

Of course we want to include our pets in the holiday feasting. If you are going to share turkey with your pet be sure it is always skinless and boneless. The greasy, fatty skin may cause tummy upset for your floofin. Cooked turkey and ham bones should NOT be given as chew toys; they can splinter in the digestive tract, causing a trip to the emergency room.

Nuts, especially those with chocolate, should be kept far out of reach of your floofin. Ingestion of certain nuts, including macadamia, can progress into lameness, vomiting, swelling, and possibly paralysis of the hind legs.

Spices and herbs, including nutmeg and sage, can potentially cause central nervous system problems and tummy upset. Sweet potato and pumpkin can be a healthy treat for some pets when they are given without any sweeteners or spices. Kitties especially seem to be drawn to herbs. It best to keep these in a cabinet to avoid any curiosity when you’re not looking.

Batter and dough are no-nos! Dough, if ingested, can rise in your floofin’s tummy causing bloat and severe pain. Similarly, your floofin can experience the same symptoms if they have ingested alcohol. You can check out our “No Booze for Your Floofins” blog post for additional information. No spoon or bottle licking while preparing for the feast.

We try our best to keep our floofins off the counter and out of the trash, but the temptation may be too high on a day like Thanksgiving. Keep an eye on the stove burners; a jumping dog can most definitely turn them on. Electric stoves can also be a source of danger for a kitty that likes to explore on the counter. Keeping the trash covered or out of reach is the best solution to avoid your pooch accidentally eating the tinfoil around a baked potato.

Some pets enjoy the company of guests around the holidays, but others may be just as happy relaxing in a quiet room away from the excitement. It is a good idea to alert your guests of any pets in the home especially if they are ‘door bolters’.

If you think your pet may have ingested something toxic you can refer to the pet poison helpline and contact your veterinarian. Celebrating the holiday season with your floofins requires a few extra steps to ensure they are safe but we hope you’ll agree they will help make the holiday season a happy one.

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