September 9, 2015

Five Tips For Dining Out With The Dog

Author: Kristin Skelton


How To Make Dining Out With The Dog A Great Experience

As the summer months come to a close we are all trying to make the most out of the remaining warm weather. What better way to enjoy the outdoors than to take the pooch out for dinner and go dining out with the dog.

There is nothing better than enjoying a nice meal without having to worry about when you’re getting home to ensure everyone has a chance to go potty, unless your dog spends the entire meal trying to steal your food, barking and whining at you and other guests. That can make a relaxing date night with the dogs turn into a near dine and dash as you just want to get out of there without further embarrassment by your fur kids.

Don’t fret if this sounds like your dog. There are a few things that can make your next doggie dinner outing a pleasant experience you will want to repeat.

A Tired Dog Is A Calm Dog. Before heading out for a glass of wine and relaxing meal, make sure you take a long walk so your dog is ready to sit and relax with you.

A Full Dog Is A Happy Dog. Who can blame your pooch for wanting to steal your juicy steak when they are hungry. After your walk, feed your pup.

Bring Entertainment. While you are heading out to enjoy a good meal and the company of your dining partner, your dog will probably be sitting next to the table or on your lap (if you have 8 pounders like me). This can potentially be a bit boring once the excitement of the car ride and settling into the restaurant is over. Bring their favorite chew, some treats, a travel water bowl and mat to lay on.

Know Your Pup/Know Your Location. In order to eat out in peace, your dog should at least know a few basic commands, like “sit”, “down”, “stay” and “come”. If your dog tends to freak out due to noise, children, music, etc., depending on the location, eating out might not be a good idea.

Leash Up. If you are just not sure how your dog will react and just for general safety, make sure you leash up your pet. Restaurants are full of food, drinks, trays, rushing servers and guests who may not want someone else’s dog wandering up to say hello. Keep everyone safe and leashed up.

Prissy and Portia have had success using these methods and have become good little dining companions. Two of their favorite pet friendly venues are Bonton/Praga in Lombard, IL and Public Landing in Lockport, IL.

Bonton/Praga has a beautiful dog friendly outdoor cafe where you can enjoy both a modern twist on European cuisine and an amazing martini menu. Prissy and Portia enjoyed a bowl of ice water and chewy milk bones with our appetizer course. Thumbs up to Bonton/Praga for a great dining out with the dog experience.

Public Landing also has a gorgeous and huge dog friendly patio. When we were there with Prissy and Portia we saw Danes, Weinmeriners and pocket pups all enjoying the summer air. While you enjoy elegant American Faire, your pooch will also need to decide on dinner as Pubic Landing has a full “Yappetizer” Menu for dogs varying from sweet potato wedges to ribeye steak. All meals are served in a frisbee for additional fun.

There are tons of dog friendly patios out there, but not all of them are, so phone first and enjoy these last dog days of summer.

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