April 19, 2011

Tuesday Training Tip – Socialization

Author: Michele Hatley

Socialization. What Is This Dog Parent Buzz Word and How Do You Make It Happen?

It can’t be stressed enough how important socialization is. Getting your dog accustomed to as many different types of people, situations, noises, etc. will make for a comfortable and less stressed dog.

Introduce your dog to as many people as you can – children, adults, and seniors. Let them meet other dogs. This will help your dog learn how to appropriately interact with all different kinds of dogs vs. similar breeds or the dogs in their own home.

Take your dog for walks to different places and let them experience as much as you can offer them. You should introduce things slowly and at your dog’s own comfort level – the goal is to gradually get them comfortable in different situations rather than scaring them. You don’t want to overload them all at once, especially if your dog is on the shy or timid side.

Start socialization as early as you can – it’s not possible to have a too, well socialized dog!

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