May 4, 2022

National Pet Week Starts May 1st

Author: Jennifer Houghton
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National Pet Week began back in 1981. It is celebrated during the first week of May. The American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA) helped create this week that celebrates pets and encourages the best possible care of our companion animals. 

The AVMA  themes each day that you can check out by clicking here.

You probably won’t be surprised by many of the recommendations. But it is always good to see if you can make any improvements. Many of the tips can be applied to the human beings in the household, not just the pet.

For example, the AVMA recommends proper nutrition and exercise for your pet. What better way to improve your own life by being active with your best friend? Finding an exercise routine that both your pet and you can share is an essential joy that has long lasting benefits.

Unsurprisingly, they recommend regular checkups and screenings, particularly as your pet reaches the senior years. Just like humans, the preventive measures you take could extend the quality and longevity of your pet’s life. 

You could also review preparation protocols for travel and review the latest procedures for handling an emergency event. 

Whether you are looking to find a pet or already have one, your veterinarian is a great resource for making sure you understand all the facets required for a healthy, happy pet.

Let us know how you plan to celebrate National Pet Week. 

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