August 22, 2013

Michele’s Thursday Training Tip – End On A Positive Note!

Author: Kristin Skelton

End Your Session Before Your Dog Has A Chance To Get Discouraged.

iStock_000004144959XSmallTraining should be thought of as a game played with our animals and like any game, it should be fun! Before our pets can get to the point of being discouraged or frustrated during new training, end at a point where they are having fun and if possible, end at a point where you have made success.

If you can end on a positive note and when your pet is having a good time, they will likely look forward to the next time you want to work with them because you ended the game while they were having a good time.  While it is tempting to continue training when you have made steps forward, end before your dog has a chance to get discouraged or confused. End happy and on a good note and that’s where you should pick up the next time you start working together!

We hope these weekly training tips assist you in your training adventure. Floofins & Company head trainer, Michele Hatley, is available to create a customized training program for your dog. Visit us at to learn about training options with Floofins & Company.

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