Make Halloween A Fun And Safe Holiday For Your Family, Including Your Pets
Halloween can be a time of great joy, creativity and excitement for you and your family. Factoring in safety for your dogs and cats during Halloween will ensure a happy holiday for you and your pets. Our Halloween safety tips include:
- Keeping all pets indoors
- Supervising your Jack-o-lanterns (if you’re using real candles)
- Being wary of costumes for pets
- Making certain pets don’t consume anything toxic.
First of all, during the trick-or-treating portion of the day, it’s best to keep your dog or cat in another room. Extremely energetic, sugar-filled and costumed children may quickly become a source of stress for a pet, especially for dogs and cats who are door-bolters. It is better if they are ensconced comfortably in a room away from the afternoon and evening chaos.
Like it or not, Halloween can trigger cruel behavior in some, and pranks can turn ugly very quickly. If you have an outdoor cat, keep them indoors on Halloween night. Some people caution that black cats especially are targets for the entire month of October.
Dogs too, can become the object of mean-spirited and violent pranks, so please keep them indoors as well. No one wants to think neighborhood kids and teens are capable of violence, but just to be safe, do not let your dog out in the yard without supervision.
Other things to keep in mind, which the ASPCA website points out as well, is to be considerate if you chose to dress your dog in a costume. If they’re uncomfortable, it’s better just to take the costume off. If it’s constrictive of breathing or movement, then the doggy-costume definitely needs to go.
Also beware of jack-o-lanterns with actual candles, since the combination of these and a pet may spell fire hazard.
Halloween is a high-energy holiday that can be a great deal of fun for all involved. Making sure your pets are safe requires extra steps, but we’re sure you’ll agree that these steps are entirely worth it.